通过采用滚针,可减轻突入时的碰撞、摩擦、振动,实现超高精度的直线运动。另外,精密滚针导柱与滚珠导柱相比,滚针可分散压 力,从而可大幅提高导柱的使用寿命,是“ 直线运动导柱的终极形态”。
By adopting needle roller, when it enters it makes possible to reduce collision, friction, vibration and to travel with super high accuracy. Because of using needle rollers, the pressure is dispersed, so it is possible to boost guide's life greatly. Ultimate form of linear guide, this is our "Million Guide".
"Point to line contact" By adopting highly accurate wide roller, we've realized high rigidity which is over 10 times larger compared with existing ball type.
※ 本公司试验结果: 与普通滚珠循环式花键轴的比较。 与普通模具用滚珠支架式导柱轴相比,差异为2倍左右。
*Our internal investigation: Comparison with a normal circular ball spline shaft.
Approximately double in rigidity compared with a normal ball retainer type guide post for die-set.
Comparison of Contact Area
精密滚针导柱接触面积大, 实现了高刚性。
Million Guide realizes high rigidity for its large contact area.
Ball case (Ball type)
Roller case (Million Guide)
Comparison of Lateral Pressure Deflection (Rigidity)
Comparison of the basic dynamic load rating C by size
通过采用高精度的宽幅滚针,在确保刚性的同时,实现了低预压化。 这样,实现了超低振动且平滑的滚动。
By adopting highly accurate wide roller, we can make low pre-load with high rigidity on Million guide. For this reason, we've realized super low vibration and smooth rolling.
Advantages of Roller type
Ball contact/collision makes friction, leading to wear, dust and heat emission. The pre-load off and on are repeated at the ball circulation, and it makes one of major vibration factors.
Million Guide (Roller type)
Rollers do not contact each other, and no contact, collision and friction occurs to rolling elements. No circulation and low pre-load structure makes less entry impact and vibration, leading to smooth rolling.
滚珠型相比 振动仅为其1/20以下
Low vibration under 1/20 compared to that of ball type.
Million guide which has realized high rigidity and low vibration has excellent
straightness, especially Million guide's repeatablity has achieved 3 times more than that of conventional one.
X、Y方向 重复精度比较
Comparison of repeatability: X/Y directions
The ball type with high vibration and low rigidity has deviation in the positioning accuracy. Million guide of low vibration has excellent repeatability.
※本公司试验结果: 与普通滚珠循环式花键轴的比较。
*Our internal investigation: Comparison with a normal circular ball spline shaft.
X、Y方向 直线度比较
Comparison of straightness: X/Y directions
Infinitesimal rolling resistance
By making low pre-load on Million guide, it reduces rolling resistance to the utmost limit so the sliding friction can be under 20g.*
⇒ It is the best for applications which need infinitesimal pressurizing force control.
※某些尺寸可能不适用。*There is a limit by size.
Usable with Single shaft
By arranging rollers in polygonal position, it can get detent effect.
⇒ It is usable with single shaft guide so that the equipment can be simple.
为保持刚性,滚珠需突入很大的预压 量5~12μm,会产生冲击、振动,寿命短。
Higher pre-load (5-12μm) for keeping the rigidity on the ball guide brings impact/ vibration at the entry, leading to shorter product life.
Million guide case
滚针只需微小的预压量2~6μm,即可实 现高刚性,突入时冲击小、平滑,寿命长。
Lower pre-load (2-6mm) for the roller with high rigidity brings smaller impact and smooth motion at the entry, leading to longer product life.
There are no stoppers for rotation inside.
Million guide case
No rotation by the needle rollers in polygonal position.
In accordance with the customer's needs, we can produce the special shape of bush and post.
可推荐适合安装在客户装置上的形状。 通过最大程度降低滚动阻力,同时实现 负荷控制所需的平稳性和高刚性,提高了 精度。
We can make a proposal of the shape suitable for your equipment.
In the case of right drawing, the infinitesimal rolling resistance makes both necessary smoothness and rigidity for load control, and improved accuracy.
Extension of grinding cycle
Application examples
使用例 1
Application example 1
使用后的效果 Effects of Million guide
模具的上下模间隙在整个圆周上可保持均匀,提高了尺寸精度。另外,由于 提高了刚性,减少了上下模的崩角现象,可延长模具的再磨削周期。
The punching accuracy is expected to be increased by Million guide to keep the clearance between the punching and the die evenly in all directions. Also the die set regrinding cycle is expected to be extended by decreasing the chipping of the punching and the die with its higher rigidity.
使用例 2
Application example 2